heartburn|heartburns in English


burning sensation in the stomach or chest area caused by indigestio

Use "heartburn|heartburns" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heartburn|heartburns" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heartburn|heartburns", or refer to the context using the word "heartburn|heartburns" in the English Dictionary.

1. Used to relieve hyperacidity due to stomach pain, heartburn (heartburn).

2. Agita definition, heartburn; indigestion

3. Antacids for Heartburn Antacids neutralize stomach acid to help relieve heartburn, sour stomach, acid indigestion, and stomach upset

4. Antacids help to treat heartburn (indigestion)

5. I had stomach ulcers and severe heartburn.

6. It 's that uncomfortable feeling people call " heartburn . "

7. If you 're prone to heartburn , avoid spicy or fatty foods , which can make your heartburn flare and prevent a restful sleep .

8. INDICATION: Stomach-ache, indigestion, hyperacidity, heartburn, flatulent and spasmodic.

9. Belching is common in people with heartburn or acid reflux

10. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms Belching, bloating or fullness, constipation and heartburn including Heartburn/GERD, Irritable

11. The result : an unpleasant heartburn-like feeling after you eat .

12. Antacids are a good treatment for heartburn that occurs once in a while. Take Antacids about 1 hour after eating or when you have heartburn

13. Other very common side effects were dyspepsia (heartburn) and chest pain

14. Antacids only continue the cycle of heartburn, acid reflux, and drugs

15. Antacids are medication that neutralize stomach acid to cut down on heartburn

16. TUMS® Antacids go to work in seconds to provide fast heartburn relief

17. Heartburn starts in an area called the gastroesophageal junction, where the LES resides.

18. Acidity causes signs such as ulcers in the stomach, gastric inflammation, heartburn, and dyspepsia.

19. Agida Italian-American slang for heartburn but it can also mean mental aggravation

20. Great-tasting, chewable TUMS go straight to the heartburn to neutralize acid fast.

21. Sodium Bicarbonate 10 Grain tablets, antaicd to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid indigestion

22. Why do you suffer from heartburn (backward flow acid) and how to cure it?

23. Purpose Antacids are used to relieve acid indigestion , upset stomach, sour stomach, and heartburn

24. Other side effects include bad breath, body odor, heartburn, upset stomach, and allergic reactions.

25. An uneasy or painful sensation in the anterior (front) chest or upper abdomen; heartburn; Cardiodynia